Year | Title | Author |
1472 | De re militari | Robertus Valturius |
1482 | Preclarissimus liber elementorum Euclidis perspicacissimi | Euclid |
1485 | Leonis baptiste Alberti de re aedifica toria incipit lege feliciter | Leone Battista Alberti |
1488 | Arithmetica Boetij | Boethius |
1495 | Organon Opera Omnia Graece | Aristoteles |
1496 | Epytoma Joannis de mo[n]teregio in Almagestu[m] Ptolemei | Johannes Regiomontanus |
De Naturali historia | Gaius Plinius Secundus |
1507 | Das Büch der Waren Kunst zu Distillieren die Composita | Hieronymus Brunschwig |
1521 | De architectura libri dece traducti de latino in vulgare affigurati | Vitruvius Pollio |
1525 | Underweyssung der messung,,,. | Albrecht Dürer |
1537 | Philosophi mathematiciqve excellentissimi opera | Pergaeus Apollonios |
Nova scientia | Niccolo Tartaglia |
1543 | De revolutionibus orbium coelestium | Nicolaus Copernicus |
1544 | philosophi ac Geometrae Excellentissimi Opera | Archimedes |
1545 | Artis magn?, sive De regulis algebraicis | Girolamo Cardano |
1562 | Opusculum Perpetua Memoria Dignissimum De Natura Magnetis et eius effictibus | Jean Taisnier |
1565 | Iordani-Opusculum de Ponderositate Nicolai Tartaleae Studio Correctum | Jordanus de Nemore |
1570 | I quattro libri dell' architettura | Andrea Palladio |
1572 | Opticae thesaurus | Alhazan (Al-Haytham Ibn) |
1582 | Il Theatro De Gl'instrvmenti & Machine di M. Iacopo Bessoni | Jacques Besson |
1586 | De Beghinselen der Weeghconst | Simon Stevin |
1600 | De magnete, magneticisque corporibus, et de magno magnete tellure, physiologia noua | William Gilbert |
1604 | Ad vitellionem paralipomena quibus astronomiae pars optica traditur | Johannes Kepler |
1611 | Dioptrice Sev Demonstratio | Johannes Kepler |
1614 | Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio | John Napier |
1617 | Rabdologiae, sev nvmerationis per virgulas libri dvo | John Napier |
1620 | Instauratio magna (Novum organum) | Francis Bacon |
1632 | Dialogo : sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo Tolemaico, e Copernicano | Galileo Galilei |
1637 | Discours de la méthode pour bien conduire sa raison,,,. | René Descartes |
1638 | Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche, intorno a due nuove scienze | Galileo Galilei |
1660 | New experiments physico-mechanical touching the spring of the air and its effects | Robert Boyle |
1661 | The sceptical chymist | Robert Boyle |
1663 | Traitez de l'eqvilibre des liqvevrs, et de la pesantevr de la masse de l'air | Blaise Pascal |
1665 | Micrographia | Robert Hooke |
1672 | Experimenta nova (ut vocantur) Magdeburgica de vacuo spatio | Otto Von Guericke |
1673 | Horologium Oscillatorium | Christiaan Huygens |
1684 | Nova methodus pro maximis et minimis | Gottfried Leibniz |
1687 | Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica | Isaac Newton |
1690 | Traite de la lumiere | Christiaan Huygens |
1704 | Opticks | Isaac Newton |
1710 | Brevis descriptio machinae arithmeticae | Gottfried Leibniz |
1713 | Ars conjectandi, opus posthumum,,,. | Jacobi Bernoulli |
1715 | Lezioni accademiche | Evangelista Torricelli |
1724 | Experimenta circa gradum caloris liquorum nonnullorum ebullientium instituta | Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit |
1733 | Opus majus ad Clementem quartum, pontificem romanorum | Roger Bacon |
1738 | Hydrodynamica, sive de viribus et motibus fluidorum commentarii | Daniel Bernoulli |
1743 | Traité de dynamique | Jean Le Rond D'Alembert |
1748 | Introductio in analysin infinitorum | Leonhard Euler |
1751 | Experiments and observations on electricity | Benjamin Franklin |
1767 | History and present state of electricity, with original experiments | Joseph Priestley |
1769 | Experimenta, atque observationes, quibus electricitas,,,. | Giovanni Battista Beccaria |
1777 | Chemische abhandlung von der luft und dem feuer,,,. | Karl Wilhelm Scheele |
1783 | Description des expériences de la machine aérostatique de MM. de Montgolfier,,,. | Faujas de Saint-Fond |
1784 | Experiments on air | Henry Cavendish |
1785 | Mémoires sur l'électricité et le magnétisme | Charles Coulomb |
1789 | Traité élémentaire de chimie | Antoine Lavoisier |
1791 | De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari commentarius | Luigi Galvani |
1798 | An inquiry concerning the source of the heat which is excited by friction | Count Rumford |
Traité de mécanique céleste | Pierre Laplace |
1800 | On the electricity excited by the mere contact of conducting substances of different kinds | Alessandro Volta |
Investigation of the powers of the prismatic colours to heat and illuminate objects, etc. | John Herschell |
1801 | Disqvisitiones arithmeticae | karl Friedrich Gauss |
1802 | On the theory of light and colours | Thomas Young |
1807 | A course of lectures on natural philosophy and the mechanical arts | Thomas Young |
1808 | A new system of chemical philosophy | John Dalton |
1810 | Torpedo war and submarine explosions | Robert Fulton |
1812 | Elements of chemical philosophy | Humphry Davy |
1820 | Mèmoires sur l'action mutuelle de deux courans èlectriques,,,. | André Marie Amperè |
Om bl?sr?rets anv?ndande ; kemien och mineralogien | Jons Berzelius |
1822 | Théorie analytique de la chaleur | Josef Fourier |
1824 | Réflexions sur la puissance motrice du feu,,,. | Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot |
1827 | Die Galvanische kette, mathematisch bearbeitet | Georg Ohm |
1837 | Fisica de' corpi ponderabili ossia trattato della costituzione generale de' corpi | Amedeo Avogadro |
1839 | Historique et description des procédés du Daguerréotype et du diorama | Louis Daguerre |
Experimental researches in electricity | Michael Faraday |
1843 | On the calorific effects of magneto-electricity, and on the mechanical value of heat | Prescott Joule |
1847 | ?ber die Erhaltung der Kraft, eine physikalische Abhandlung | Hermann von Helmholtz |
1851 | Paradoxien des Unendlichen | Bernhard Bolzano |
1859 | On the origin of species by means of natural selection,,,. | Charles Darwin |
1864 | Abhandlungen über die mechanische w?rmetheorie | Rudolf Clausius |
1865 | A dynamical theory of the electromagnetic field | Clerk Maxwell |
1866 | Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden | Gregor Johann Mendel |
1867 | Ueber die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen | Bernhard Riemann |
1877 | Researches in telephony | Graham Bell |
1883 | Die mechanik in ihrer entwickelung | Ernst Mach |
1884 | Dynamo-electric machine | Thomas Edison |
1887 | Ueber sehr schnelle electrische schwingungen | Heinrich Hertz |
1889 | Der vogelflug als grundlage der fliegekunst | Otto Lilienthal |
1895 | Versuch einer theorie der electrischen und optischen erscheinungen in bewegten k?rpern | Hendrik Lorentz |
Ueber eine neue art von strahlen | Wilhelm R?ntgen |
1898 | Sur une substance nouvelle radio-active contenue dans la pechblende | Pierre Curie, Marie Curie |
1899 | Wireless telegraphy | Guglielmo Marconi |
1900 | Zur Theorie des Gesetzes der Energieverteilung im normalspectrum | Max Planck |
1901 | Some aeronautical experiments | Wilbur Wright |
1903 | Recherches sur une propriété nouvelle de la matière | Antoine Becquerel |
Conduction of electricity through gases | Joseph John Thomson |
Recherches sur les substances radioactives | Marie Curie |
1905 | Zur elektrodynamik bewegter k?rper | Albert Einstein |
1906 | Radioactive transformations | Ernest Rutherford |
1909 | Raum und zeit | Hermann Minkowski |
1916 | Die grundlage der allgemeinen relativit?tstheorie | Albert Einstein |
1919 | Collision of α particles with light atoms. | Ernest Rutherford |
1926 | Ondes et mouvements | Louis de Broglie |
1928 | Four lectures on wave mechanics | Erwin Schr?dinger |
1935 | Electrons (+ and -), protons, photons, neutrons and cosmic rays | Robert Millikan |
1939 | ?ber das zerplatzen des urankernes durch langsame neutronen | Otto Hahn, Fritz Strassmann |
1945 | A general account of the development of methods of using atomic energy for military purposes | Henry Smyth |
1946 | The effects of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki | U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey |
1953 | Molecular structure of nucleic acids | James Watson, Francis Crick |
1969 | Apollo first steps on the Moon, Apollo 11 mission commentary | NASA |
1986 | Report by the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident | United States. Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident |